it's me, hi -

it's me, hi -

Hey there! I’m Starlyn and I am thrilled you are here.

About Me

Hey there! I’m Starlyn and I am thrilled you are here.

Let me give you some backstory so you can know a little bit about how I can help you.

This was how things were going for me  in 2019…

It was pretty much eat, drink, anxiety, insomnia, on repeat.

I was showing up like I knew what I was doing, but on the inside I constantly felt like I was never good enough. I was constantly anxious. Most days I had no idea why. It was just the undercurrent of my life. A steady stream of anxiety. 

Every night (let’s be honest, late afternoon) I would find myself grabbing a drink to ease the anxious feelings. Those feelings of chaos inside my body. The ones infused with guilt, shame, and overwhelm. The ones that have a voice saying that I wasn’t enough. I was a terrible mom. I needed to be better. Why did I feel so much anger and resentment?!

That drink would help me escape, for a short time. Then 2am would come and I would be awake and the voices would come back, only louder this time and more intense. 

Then the panic attacks started and I knew something had to change. Now.

If there is anything you should know about me it is that I don’t like to show weakness and I don’t like to do things the “normal” way. So, it took me getting to this point before I asked for help.

I went to the doctor and they prescribed me anxiety meds. I hated them. I didn’t feel like me and knew there had to be a better way. 

So, I embarked on my journey of discovering what worked to actually take back control of my life. 

In late 2019 I was able to ditch the majority of my anxiety (along with the guilt and shame). My anger and resentment took a back seat, and I was finally sleeping again.  By starting to tune into what my mind and body needed, overhauling my habits, and finally starting to allow myself to rest I managed to take my life back. I no longer felt like I was being dragged along down the road of life. 

Now, I’m here to help you do the same. With my unique approach to anxiety freedom, you’ll be able to overcome the anxiety and overwhelm, and start to feel truly alive again. I’ve empowered other women to take back control of their health and happiness and now it’s your time! 

It is my mission to help women feel alive again, feel like they can tackle anything life throws their way with grit and grace, and finally release their inner badass.

It is my mission to help you live your best damn life. Period.

Are you ready to feel alive?

It’s time to ditch your anxiety and overwhelm and start living!